
INSPIRE is located within Section for Philosophy, Department of Communication, Faculty of Humanities. At the center, we cooperate with researchers from various disciplines, departments, and faculties, within the University of Copenhagen and other universities across the globe.

Head of center

Sabrina Ebbersmeyer (Professor, COMM)

Core members

Name Title Phone E-mail
Arndal, Martin Fog Postdoc +4535333901 E-mail
Bundalovic, Jelena PhD Fellow +4535334258 E-mail
Engelhardt, Juliane Associate Professor +4535328483 E-mail
Hron, Irina Postdoc +4535325961 E-mail
Kjems, Bodil Hvass PhD Fellow +4535324718 E-mail

Associated members

Name Title Phone E-mail
Andersen, Elisabeth Björkenheim PhD Fellow +4535325674
Andersen, Hanne Professor +4535334196 E-mail
Bruun, Mette Birkedal Professor +4535323787 E-mail
Gregersen, Andrea Fransiska Møller Special Consultant +4535334255 E-mail
Mariegaard, Nicolai von Eggers Postdoc +4535323542 E-mail
Martinez Romera, Beatriz Associate Professor +4535323180 E-mail
Pischetola, Magda Assistant Professor - Tenure Track +4535321435 E-mail
Ploug, Anna Cornelia Postdoc   E-mail
Rasmussen, Jesper Lundsfryd Postdoc +4535329146 E-mail
Reeh, Tine Ravnsted-Larsen Head of Section +4535322394 E-mail
Roued, Henriette Associate Professor +4522214803 E-mail
Solo, Stavris IT Officer +4535321411 E-mail
Steiner, Henriette Associate Professor +4535331033 E-mail
Riesto, Svava Associate Professor +4535331768 E-mail
Valkanou, Theodora Postdoc +4535330764 E-mail
Vind, Anna Associate Professor +4535323618 E-mail

External cooperation members

  • Anna Becker, Department of Philosophy and History of Ideas, Aarhus University, DK
  • Claudia Welz, Department of Theology, Aarhus University, DK
  • Elad Carmel, Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy, University of Jyväskylä, FI
  • Lisa Shapiro, Department of Philosophy, McGill University, CA
  • Martina Reuter, Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy, University of Jyväskylä, FI
  • Jacqueline Broad, Department of Philosophy, Monash University, AU
  • Joyce Irwin, Princeton Research Forum, US